It is a privilege to develop young minds from a tender age of 2 to adulthood. With this opportunity comes a responsibility to provide a complete education that is fit for embracing the ever-changing world. At Dawood Public School we provide the best all-round education possible as we aim to prepare young girls for happiness and success in their adult lives. We care about the individual, and pride ourselves in the warmth of a community in which all our pupils feel included.
School should be fun, and happy children are more likely to be successful. We see it as our responsibility to bring out our girls’ talents, to broaden their interests and to develop their personal qualities. Sprinkled during the year are opportunities that help children identify their interests, develop and sharpen their skills, and through triumphs and tribulations embrace valuable lessons.
We aim to foster diversity, tolerance, inclusion, good character and manners. We strive for our girls to be able to voice their thoughts confidently and make choices that help them live a fulfilled life. Our endeavors aim to enhance communication skills; to embrace creativity; to encourage teamwork; and to promote an open-minded and outward-looking mentality so that they are ready to make a positive contribution to their wider community.
We live in exciting and fast changing times, and this means that providing an outstanding, progressive and rigorous education is essential. Examination results matter and at Dawood Public School our pupils consistently achieve excellent CAIE results in all areas of the curriculum, giving them access to the top colleges and universities locally and overseas. Girls in their quest to find a career, are supported by the Career Counseling Department from Grade 8 till they complete their A Level.
Tradition is important here, and shapes our guiding principles. But we seek to build on the past while looking to the future. This is, and will remain, a forward-thinking school that enthusiastically embraces innovation and new opportunity. We make available a sprawling 6-acre campus with a happy niche for each to thrive within. Our continued investment in infrastructure and faculty makes us a progressive working environment. In our endeavor to develop change readiness, each year the Continued Professional Development team makes learning fun and essential for all – teaching faculty as well as support staff.
We are committed to making DPS education accessible to talented girls, whatever be their background and financial foundation; assistance through a third party is available.