Our faculty is headed by a Principal. Three hard working and committed Section In-charges one each for Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, an Associate In-charge for O Level look after the academic routines of the School. A Head of Research and Development works for the growth of the school in terms of filtering in sustainable ventures, a Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and team looks after the emotional wellbeing of students. The Head of Training Cell plans and implements need based employee enhancements whereas a separate outreach endeavor; Saturday School, headed by a Saturday School Headmistress includes students from across the city in a myriad of hobby pursuance activities. Experienced and highly qualified subject coordinators with their teams of enthusiastic and motivated teachers add to the DPS family as harbingers and champions of the lifelong learning processes.
Dawood Public School faculty reaches the desired level of professionalism through practicing core values of respect, fairness, integrity, passion, vigor and creativity. Each member endeavors to become transformative intellectual motivating students to reflect rather than receive knowledge as passive learners. The faculty believes that the youth of today are much smarter considering the amount of knowledge and information they have available, all they need is their support and a strong belief in their abilities. You will find our staff mentoring tomorrow’s leaders by standing with them in times of uncertainty, providing enlightened teaching in a conducive environment and leading them in the right directions by sharing ideal practices. Here teachers are seen as friends, mentors, facilitators and experienced companions. Most of our faculty members have been working for over 20 to 25 years. There is a constant stability in our teaching faculty, because of the healthy and pleasant environment.