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A library is a very important aspect in the learning for a child. It is the first 5 years in which the child learns a lot. With the help of a library we try to expand their vocabulary as well as knowledge. We encourage children to enjoy books, care for them and use them respectfully is the main feature of the library program for Pre-Primary students. They explore fiction books and learn how to recognize the features of a book. The use of story maps and sequences to tell about stories is encouraged.

Through books, puppets, story tapes and illustrations, child’s relationship with the wonderful world of storytelling is encouraged and nurtured. Not only will their language, listening and concentration skills improve, but their imagination is stimulated. Children will also be given the opportunity to answer questions, anticipate what will happen next, express their ideas and listen to and value the opinions of others. Children will also be able to look at books by themselves in the book corner, which helps to develop a love of reading.

With the help of good books we try to shape the future of our children as we desire and enhance their love for reading.

Art :

The art program is designed as an outlet for children to express themselves freely and openly. It is a well-rounded program that directly supports and enhances the work that the children do within their classrooms and around School. Children are offered insight into all forms of art including drawing, sculpting, painting and the creation of their own materials. A professional in the field of art teaches it. We also encourage them for creative drawing on different given topics and along with enhancing creativity we teach recycling of waste materials through art.

Music and Movement:

The music program is designed to introduce children to both choral and instrumental music. All children participate in the music program as it occurs outside of the regular classroom. Children are encouraged to move, dance, sing and play while participating during each class period.

This usually involves singing songs, action rhymes, movement to music and the playing of musical instruments.

Physical Education and Outdoor Play :

In Pre-Primary, the focus is placed on learning the fundamental movement skills necessary for a child’s development and getting students to participate competently and confidently in physical activities such as play and games. Emphasis is placed on locomotor skills, body management and object control skills. Skills and strategies are teacher directed and students will learn the importance of playing fairly , accept defeat and trying again.

Children spend a lot of time playing on the outdoor equipments where they develop coordination, muscular strength, balance, agility and control. Most importantly, however, children are making friends and learning valuable social skills. Alternatively developmental games, which develop the larger muscles and improve coordination and balance, are taught by using bean bags, balls, hoops, ropes, climbing and balancing apparatus.

Events / Activities :

Pre-Primary Section plans activities which varies according to the month and seasons, such as Islamic Mehfil, Earth Day, Pets Day, Cleanliness Day, an Open day for parents during Parent-teacher meetings, Sports Day, an open day for grandparents at Grandparents Day, Talent shows for children. Other activities include planting seeds in the garden and germination to promote the importance of growing and caring for trees and plants, a Fun Gala (with a puppet show, magic show, juggling act), quizzes, Healthy Food Day, Colour Day and many more.

The purpose of these activities is to inculcate various skills and build the child’s confidence, imagination and social skills.

Cultural Activities:

Through different cultural activities we make our students explore and classify the environment. We teach them variety of things like maps, seasons, names of countries, continents, animals and their categories, foods, parts of plants, names of flowers ,professions, parts of body, living and non-living things, magnetism, things in the environment like garden, kitchen, school, class etc.

Creative activities:

Molding play dough, plasticine and clay will not only help develop child’s fine motor skills but also provide scope for imagination and creativity as they experiment with shape, length, size, weight and texture. Above all, being creative will allow child to experience a sense of achievement as they produce their own masterpiece.

Children also expand their imaginations in the dressing-up areas, playing make-believe games. Through fantasy play children share ideas, acquire new vocabulary, express their feelings and explore the boundaries between fantasy and reality.


We evaluate our students twice a year in order to assess the progress of their learning and development. The results provide an overall trajectory of the performance of a child throughout the term.

In Pre-Primary child’s social skills also develop as they learn to share, take turns, compromise, communicate and cooperate within a group. You’ll see her develop into an independent, confident, social being, happy to talk to adults, fond of other children’s company and eager to express their ideas and feelings.

The schedule for walk in meeting with the Primary Section Head to discuss concern/s if any:

Thursday between 10:00 am – 11:30 am

For scheduled meeting, you will be facilitated at the gate upon showing a copy of the appointment slip.

Contact Details:

Nusrat Hilal (Section Incharge)

Ext. No. 851

Email: [email protected]